1 Week FREE Trial!!!
Let the results speak for themselves!
Service Description
We provide the work up front -No Pay - No obligation, so you can be reassured you are getting your money's worth- Before you spend a dime! During your 1 Week FREE Trial you will receive a plethora of detailed analytics about you! We have the ability to measure every cell in your body and create a detailed 23 page report that shows exactly how those cells are working. Get real time feedback on what factors - positive and negative - affect your stress and energy state. Learn the specifics; cellular hydration level, muscle mass, bone density, and so much more! These details give you the tools necessary to make the most positive changes! Watch the transformation as we continue to work with you throughout the week. Along with these incredible analytics, this weeklong trial will give you access to work with some of the most advanced non-invasive health & wellness equipment available today! Examples of equipment you will have access to: * 3 different kinds of Scalar Wave Treatments also called "Tesla waves" or "longitudinal waves" *Raw Scalar Waves * Molecular Scalar Waves * Frequential Scalar Waves * Rife Frequency Application Methods: * Contact with Tens Pads, Stainless Contact Rods, Silver Gloves/ Socks/ Cuffs * PEMF * Plasma (Phanotron Plasma Tube / Straight Plasma Tube * Auditory (Speaker/ headphones) * Cold Laser - Wrist, nose, mouth, ear, & More! * Holographic Frequency Generator Stickers for Portable Application * Complete Lifestyle Coaching: * Nutritional Evaluation * Medications & Pharmaceuticals (we'll reduce/ eliminate costly Meds by your Doctors orders!) * Hydration Quality & Quantity * Environmental Evaluation - look for potential hazards like mold, air quality, EMF & radiation hazards & More! With all this valuable information we will create a personalized Health Care Plan individualized to your needs. Find out what the Best Health of Your Life feels like! Remember what its like to feel amazing and start enjoying life again! Sign-up Today!
Contact Details
Gold Canyon, AZ, USA