Diatomaceous Earth (DE) offers an alternative method for detoxing your body, that is simple, and effective. It doesn't require fasting or foul-tasting health foods, and many people have used it with great success. DE's porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins and gases and as your body does not absorb DE, it can carry the toxins attached to its surface out of the body. Factors such as pesticides in food, chemicals in drinking water and exposure to mould create toxins in our bodies, leading to chronic illnesses.
It does all this without requiring you to change your diet or lifestyle!
It additionally binds ldl cholesterol and bile acids stopping the body from absorbing them. Hence, it additionally lowers ldl cholesterol!
Take about one teaspoon of our food grade diatomaceous earth with water once a day. Take it on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating. DE is nearly tasteless, but if you don't like its mildly gritty texture, try taking it in juice, yogurt, or a smoothie.
Over the next few weeks, slowly raise your DE dosage from one teaspoon to two teaspoons, taking one in the morning and one teaspoon at night. We recommend taking up to a tablespoon per day.
Be sure to drink plenty of water during any detox to keep your system hydrated.
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