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Crystal Salt
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Break the Cycle..!

  • 30 minutes
  • 45 US dollars
  • 18th Street

Service Description

Break addictions of every sort through our non invasive, slow and steady efforts that allow removal of toxins and transition to be much easier to handle for the body, mind and spirit. We have an arsenal of the most amazing technology and latest methodologies to assist with any addiction. What makes our program unique is our ability to utilize quantum and frequential technology in coordination with anti addiction methodologies to create a harmonious, soft and receptive pathway to break any addiction. "Turn the page towards a new life now..! " * Alcohol * Drugs * Food * Sweets * Gambling * Caffeine * Nicotine * Prescriptions * Work * Electronics * Shopping Our practitioners use many various methodologies and various components of technology to access hidden locks and blockages causing unconscious decision making patterns and habits to lock in. The information we uncover during this process allows us to bring it to conscious awareness. From here strategies can be made for a straight forward and cohesive pathway to recovery. We work from an energetic, mind, body and spirit approach with state of the art technology that assists the client through their recovery process. This approach ensures the highest level of success and and the most cohesive for our clients mind, body and spirit. This cohesion ensures long term success. Testimonial for addictions: "I can feel the slight shifts in my thinking and behavior. Having experienced deep trauma last year my go to crutch was alcohol and drugs. Since running the addictions program my drinking has gone back to socially and I have changed my drug habits. I could not deal with my addictions because I could not face more loss in my life. This Frequential technology has helped me to regain my true self, to believe in myself again and want to get back to health and happiness."

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